
Interested in becoming a sleep consultant? 

Jayne Havens is a certified sleep consultant and the founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. As a leader in the industry, Jayne advocates for healthy sleep hygiene for children of all ages. Jayne launched her comprehensive sleep consultant certification course so she could train and mentor others to work in this emerging industry.

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A Client Success Story

referral client sucess story

Kelly came to me via a referral from a previous client. When my clients share my name with their friends, and vouch for me personally as a sleep consultant, it always makes me feel super grateful yet a touch nervous at the same time. I always want to do a great job but in these circumstances, there’s a touch of added pressure! Follow along in this client success story to learn how sleep consulting changed lives for this family.

Kelly reached out to me because her 13-month-old son Ethan was waking approximately every two hours in the middle of the night.

Ethan would wake to cry and could only be settled by being nursed back to sleep. Kelly knew that he didn’t need to nurse every two hours at night. However, she couldn’t figure out how to break the cycle. Kelly described herself as being the “attachment parenting type” and was pretty anxious about leaving Ethan to cry.

We came up with a strategy that felt comfortable for her, and we talked it over at length. Kelly went into the sleep training process feeling armed with a solid plan and feeling confident. On night one, Ethan fell asleep while being comforted by his mom after only about 25 minutes. We were all pretty confident after that first go at bedtime and things only improved from there.

While progress is not typically linear, we made steps in the right direction almost every single day.

I’m wrapping up with Kelly tomorrow and I’m so proud to say that Ethan is sleeping through the night. Once he mastered the skill of falling asleep independently, he completely night-weaned himself and is now sleeping 11-12 hours overnight.

Kelly is beyond ecstatic and never could have imagined that we would have made this much progress in just two short weeks. Honestly, I never really had any doubt. I could tell that Kelly was committed, and with the proper plan and support, she was able to get Ethan sleeping. This is a client success story that makes sleep consulting worth it.

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