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Jayne Havens is a certified sleep consultant and the founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. As a leader in the industry, Jayne advocates for healthy sleep hygiene for children of all ages. Jayne launched her comprehensive sleep consultant certification course so she could train and mentor others to work in this emerging industry.

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Setting Boundaries in your Sleep Consulting Business with Ciarra Morgan

Setting Boundaries in your Sleep Consulting Business with Ciarra Morgan

Ciarra Morgan is the owner of Empowered Beginnings, located in Austin Texas. She is a wife and mother of two children: a twelve year old daughter and a four year old son. She is a birth and postpartum doula, HypnoBirthing child birth educator and pediatric sleep consultant. Ciarra was so empowered by the birth of her son that it sparked her to become a birth worker and start her own company!

On this episode, Ciarra shares:

  • How hard it can feel to set boundaries in your business when you are first getting started… especially when you are LOVING the work
  • Her realization that she didn’t even know what her boundaries were until she saw what was and wasn’t serving her in her entrepreneurial journey
  • How setting boundaries in her business actually positions her clients to be more successful




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Intro: Welcome to Becoming a Sleep Consultant! I’m your host Jayne Havens, a certified sleep consultant and founder of both Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. On this podcast, I’ll be discussing the business side of sleep consulting. You’ll have an insider’s view on launching, growing, and even scaling a sleep consulting business. This is not a podcast about sleep training. This is a podcast about business building and entrepreneurship.

Jayne Havens: Ciarra Morgan is the owner of Empowered Beginnings located in Austin, Texas. She is a wife and mother of two children — a 12-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. She’s a birth and postpartum doula, hypnobirthing childbirth educator, and pediatric sleep consultant. Ciarra was so empowered by the birth of her son that it sparked her to become a birth worker and start her own company. Ciarra, welcome back to the podcast.

Ciarra Morgan: Thank you. I’m happy to be here.

Jayne Havens: For those listening, you can actually hear our first interview if you scroll back to episode five. In that episode, Ciarra shares how she integrated sleep consulting into her postpartum doula business, which was an awesome conversation. But today, I wanted to bring her on to discuss how to best set boundaries — both with our clients and with ourselves — as we navigate entrepreneurship.

Ciarra, I think before we get deep into this topic, it would help if you share a little bit about your journey, how you got into birth and postpartum work, and how that morphed into starting an agency and now offering sleep consulting services. So, give us a rundown. Share your story.

Ciarra Morgan: Sure. So, I have a 12-year-old daughter, and I have a four-year-old son. With the birth of my 12-year-old, I just didn’t know what I didn’t know. I didn’t do a whole lot of pre-planning. So, with the birth of my son, I was very like, “I don’t want to be in a hospital. I don’t want an IV.” That was actually my main motivation. It was, I didn’t want an IV. So, I knew I couldn’t be in the hospital.

My husband’s like, “Well, how are you going to do that? What are you going to do?” So, I said, “Well, I guess, we’re going to do hypnobirthing.” Because I was actually a huge skeptic, but I had an aunt that had done it three times. By the time I had my son, I was like, “I guess there’s something to this.” So, I read the book. I was like, “Oh my gosh. This is science. This is chemical reactions in the brain.” I had thought it was just some — I can’t even do yoga without making a grocery list in my head. So, I figured I would never be able to do hypnobirthing, and I loved it.

So, I became a hypnobirthing educator around when my son was about a year and three months. I flew out to Florida for a four-day intensive training. I came back, and I hit the ground running. At that point, I was a project coordinator with a civil engineering firm here in a little outskirt of Austin, Texas.

After my son was born, I only worked about four hours a day. I worked from 8 to 12. My stepdad would watch him while I was working. That was serving me okay. But I really hated that in the summer, when my daughter was home from school, I was always having to make sure that I had a babysitter, or they went to grandpa’s house every morning. Then the rest of our day was shot because we get home and blah.

So, when I got home from training, I started taking one birth a month. Soon I realized I’m turning away work and, actually, two births a month would replace my part-time income at the civil engineering firm. I’m really glad that I did have the background with that firm, because I ended up being really good at the backend stuff. I was really good at the contracts and managing the projects, because that’s what I was doing.

Then about a year into it, I was turning away even more work because I was still only taking two births a month after I quit my day job. People kept saying, “You need to add a doula to your team.” I was like, “I don’t know if I want to be this big old business owner. I was just fine with it being me.” But I realized that that was a little bit selfish, because there are people out there that need help, that aren’t finding the people they need. There are other people who want to just work for an agency. They don’t want to do all the backend stuff.

So, a couple of my doulas don’t even want to take their own client. They just like working for me. They’re okay paying the agency off the top, because that means that they don’t have to do the stuff that they’re not great at or not their zone of genius. I find the back end work peaceful sometimes. I really like that computer work.

Then I added doulas to my team — postpartum and birth. Eventually, I added pediatric sleep consulting, because I figured it was just such an awesome way to continue serving the exact same client. I already had the client. I just had a new service I could offer to them.

When I did that, we just got to stay with the same people for even longer, which was great. In the last three and a half years, that’s how it’s evolved. I never ever dreamt that it could be what it is at this point. This was not my goal. I have exceeded my goal accidentally.

Jayne Havens: I think that people who really kill it in business — when I say kill it, I don’t even necessarily mean financially. Sometimes that’s a byproduct. People who are killing it in business, they’re just lit up by their own work. I can see that in your face when you’re telling this story. We’re going to just be audio for this podcast, but I’m watching you tell your story. I can just see the excitement and the passion that you have in your work. I think that that’s what leads to this massive growth. It’s like you just can’t help yourself. It’s just so damn fun. It’s just so damn exciting. What’s the next thing?

But when you’re living in that space where you’re so excited about your work, and you’re so passionate about what you’re doing, how do you set a boundary? How do you put those bumpers up and decide when enough is enough? When I say enough is enough, I don’t mean stop taking on more work. But I just mean setting parameters so that you don’t drive yourself insane. What does that look like?

Ciarra Morgan: For your family and sane.

Jayne Havens: Yeah, exactly.

Ciarra Morgan: The joke in my house is, my husband will go away for a work weekend at the land where he hunts. It’s not hunting season yet, but they go and they prepare the land. It’s like four times a year, he goes away for the weekend. I’ll be like, “Okay. My turn next. Where am I going to get to go for the weekend?” He goes, “Oh, you did last weekend.” I was like, “No, sir. I was at a birth on Saturday. That does not count as a no-way weekend.” He was, “You weren’t here.” It’s kind of our joke. I’m like, “Yeah, but I was working.”

So, it’s hard when your hobby is your work because you enjoy doing it. Guess who ends up sitting up on their computer in bed, watching Married at First Sight in the background, and working on sleep plans at 9:30 at night? Me. Because it’s actually a decompression for me. I enjoy doing it. So, it is really difficult to find that boundary where I’m not just always working 24/7.

My daughter is very big on going, “Mom, your on your phone again.” I’m glad that she verbalizes it, because sometimes it does put me in check. Other times, I’m like, “I’m replying to somebody who has a baby that can’t get down for a nap. You want that pool that I’m building in the backyard? Cool. Then you’re going to have to deal with me texting this person right now.” Or we’re in bed at night watching our show, all I now have to say is sleep consulting. She has to know that I’m not just texting a friend. That matters to her. My husband does sometimes wish that I had a job where I had more boundaries.

But at the beginning, I feel like we’re really bad at setting boundaries because we’re just trying to grow. When you’re trying to grow, it’s hard to do that because you don’t want to lose business by setting that. Even in my husband’s business, the pest control company. I remember when we first started dating, I was so annoyed that he would keep his ringer on even at 11 o’clock at night. I’m like, “Clients do not get to call you at 11 o’clock.” He’s like, “Ciarra, if somebody needs a raccoon trapped in their attic at 11pm, I need to work. I’m going to go.” I thought that was so annoying. I didn’t understand it until I was a business owner.

If somebody wants a discovery call, and I have 15 minutes in the car to go pick my daughter up on a Sunday evening from her cousin’s house. I’m going to be in the car from 5:15 to 5:30. I’m like, “I have a 5:15 opening today.” They’ll take it. Here I am. I would just be in the car. That kind of stuff is really — it works.

Jayne Havens: It’s hard because you’re not setting that boundary. But it’s because you want to be doing it, right? You don’t want to take yourself away from the stuff that you really enjoy. I really identify with that. My weird time that I struggle with this is when my kids get home from school. Because I have all day to do work without interruption. Not all day. I mean, I go to get them at 3:20. So, it’s not a full day, right?

Ciarra Morgan: Right.

Jayne Havens: But I go get them at 3:20-ish, and I bring them home. They’re immediately hungry for dinner, so I feed them an early dinner. Then they want to decompress for half an hour or 45 minutes. So, they’re watching TV and I can get something done. But then all of a sudden, they want to play. We just got a ping pong table in the basement. My son wants to go and play ping pong. Actually, I love that activity because I really can’t be on my phone and play ping pong at the same time, right?

Ciarra Morgan: True.

Jayne Havens: So, that is our time now. That is my boundary. After the kids have eaten dinner, and they have watched a little bit of TV, and they’ve chilled out for a little bit, we all go down to the basement. I have to put my phone down or in my pocket. I play ping pong. I’m not distracted.

I will play an entire game to 21 points without checking my phone. Then I’ll say like, “I need a break. I need a minute.” I actually do need a minute. I get dizzy watching the ping pong ball go back and forth. I actually need a break. That’s my newest boundary. That is our time.

Then when the kids go upstairs and they start showering and getting ready for bed, then I have a few more minutes to check in. That’s usually bedtime for my clients. So, I’m texting with them as my kids are showering. That works well.

But it’s really hard in the beginning when you don’t want to miss a thing. I think that that’s understandable. That drive to push the boundaries, I think, is what makes a successful entrepreneur. Because you have to be willing to work harder than other people. To some degree, that’s what makes the people who are the best the best. It’s like they’re willing to do what other people aren’t.

Ciarra Morgan: Oh my gosh. That’s so funny. Because that, what you just said, combines two of the things that I was going to say. It actually relates back. My newest boundary is I am not going to reply to anything while I’m in my workout. I’ve been doing this new hotworx workout. A gym just opened in our area. They even have 15-minute workouts. They’re really short, or they have like a 40-minute. I will be in there.

I wear my watch because I want to know how many calories I’m burning and what my heart rate is. But my watch is just vibrating almost the whole time with text messages from not just sleep consulting. That’s birth doula work. That’s postpartum. That’s my doulas that are on my team asking me questions, or somebody requesting payment, or whatever, whatever that is — I wear many hats — or my daughter. I have a new boundary for my daughter, too. I’m not replying while I’m in my workout.

After, when I get out, I have stupid 30 messages or something insane. But I used to sit there in a yoga pose in hotworx, sitting there, reading my watch, and then go, “Oh, I’ve got to reply to this one.” Now I’m like getting out of the hot sauna, letting cold air in. This is not serving me. My mind is still being pulled in a thousand direction.

Every three months or so, they come up with a new video — the one that I’m doing. The place that I go is just back to back loops in different rooms of workout. So, there’s this new one. The girl who’s teaching it says, “You got to do what most people won’t. Have the things that most people don’t.” That’s basically what you just said. In the beginning, when you’re starting your business, I think it’s okay to push boundaries sometimes. You don’t even know what your boundaries need to be until you cross them. You’re like, “Well, this isn’t serving me.”

I don’t love to do interviews for a birth doula work late at night after my kids go to bed, or at least after my son goes to bed. Because then that’s my time with my daughter. Then she gets the short end of this day. Then after that, I’m really tired and I’m not my best self.

So, me and my co-doula, Samantha, we’ve been saying lately like, “Let’s try not to do nighttime interviews,” which is hard. Because we just pushed one interview until next week on Friday. That’s a long time. She could hire another doula between now and then. But we’re finally at the point in our business where somebody else will come along. If they can’t wait to talk to us, that’s okay. We need to stop stretching ourselves for them.

So, you might not know what those boundaries are yet. But as you start feeling like things are overwhelming, you’re going to find what those things are and take a little bit of a step back.

Jayne Havens: I love that you said that certain things aren’t serving you in your business anymore. I think that that’s a great way to form those boundaries. The few that I can think of off the top of my head for me are, when I first started my business, I would do a two-week sleep consulting package for my clients. My rule with phone calls was like, they could have as many phone calls as they wanted as long as they schedule them. So, they couldn’t just call me at random hours, but they could use the link and hop onto my calendar for a call.

When I was first getting started, I didn’t have a ton of clients. I wasn’t doing anything else other than this. My kids were in school a full day. I had the time on my calendar, so it was fine. But then very quickly, I got very busy. That wasn’t sustainable. I couldn’t talk to all of my clients every single day or even a few times. It just literally didn’t work anymore, and I also wasn’t enjoying it. Because I felt like we would have these recaps and these reactions over and over and over again.

It wasn’t serving them, and it wasn’t serving me. So, I put up a boundary. Now we do a kickoff call in the beginning. We do a wrap up call at the end. If they need a call somewhere in the middle, I’m never going to say no to that. But it’s not a part of the outlined plan. That’s working so much better for me. It also allows me to do business development and things for my family, go grocery shopping, without being stuck on a phone call when I want to be doing the things that I want to be doing. So, that was a big one for me.

I also stopped supporting families on the West Coast because I am an early bird. I like to wake up early. I’m tired early at night. I cannot be up at midnight texting with a client. It’s just not. It doesn’t serve me, as you said. I just cannot do it. I’m not a good candidate for that. I am asleep by 9:30 at night.

So, my former clients who are on the West Coast, they’re putting their kids to bed. If it’s eight o’clock at night, we’re just getting started. It’s 11 o’clock for me. I cannot do that. I’m not cut out for it. So, I do not take clients on the West Coast anymore. That’s a boundary that’s served me really, really well. It’s allowed me to grow, because I can take on the business that makes me happy, that lights me up, that I’m excited to do. When you start resenting your work, it’s really hard to stay motivated, I think.

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, that’s funny because I’m the opposite. I really like to take California clients. I had somebody in Texas that keeps recommending me to people, and she has a lot of friends in California. Then those friends are recommending me to friends. So, now I have quite a few California clients. I’m in Texas.

But I like it because they’re putting their kids to bed around 7 or 8. Then my daughter goes to bed at 9. She totally doesn’t need me by 9:30. So then, I’m in my wine downtime. They really don’t need me past their eight o’clock mark. I do the, “Okay. Well, keep doing this. You guys are doing a great job.” Then I really don’t stay with them all the time until their baby is asleep. Maybe that’s just for a few nights, so I’m okay with it. Then if they don’t really need me or they don’t want to chat with me until after 7 AM their time — which is great for me because my son goes to school at 9 — then I’m able to be a little bit more present on my phone. So, that’s funny.

Jayne Havens: It’s what works for you, right?

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, and you said that thing. Also, you’re not doing all these phone calls anymore, which my heart sunk when you were like, “Oh, I used to do all these phone calls.” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh. How did you do that?”

When you were saying that, I was thinking, “Do you know how much I copy and paste?” You start saying the same things to the same clients, and you can just edit a couple little things. Make notes on your phone, and you can just patch things in. That’s so nice.

Jayne Havens: Yeah, I do a little bit of that. I have some mantras. But the things that I say over and over again are so short. I don’t know that I would need to copy and paste them. But yeah, it really, I think, is so important to show up for your clients and be happy that you’re there to support them.

When you’re resenting the work, other examples that I can think of — I don’t know about you. But I used to work a lot more on vacations than I do now. I just went away with my family for an end of summer vacation, and I am so proud of myself. I literally did not take on a client. I think we were leaving on a Thursday. I didn’t take on any new clients that whole week. Monday through Thursday, I didn’t start with anybody new. Because I didn’t want the fresh beginning to be happening while I was on vacation. Anybody that I was working with, I had already been working with them for like over a week. So, they were in good shape. It was just checking in and pleasantries and maintenance at that point.

That is something that I would not have done a few years ago. A few years ago, if somebody wanted to hire me and they wanted to start on a Saturday night, and I had my brother’s wedding, I would have said yes. Now I just don’t do that anymore. I think it serves both us, as business people, and it also serves our clients. Our clients deserve to have us fresh and excited and ready to do the work. If we’re not, then that’s really hard.

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, I think that that’s really great. I think that, in the beginning, it is really hard to not start on a day that’s not convenient for you. Because you’re like, “I just need the work.” Not even if it’s a monetary thing. It’s just you want the experience.

Some people do this as a hobby or a side hustle, where they’re not having to make $3,000 a month. Maybe they just need one client a month. But they want the experience, and there’s so much more than monetary exchange. They want somebody to be able to refer out to them, which is huge. That’s how most of my income comes in. It’s people referring me.

So, I think that for anybody listening that is new in this business, don’t feel bad if your boundaries are a little all over the place right now. You’re going to figure out what those need to be. Then you’ll slowly but surely be able to pull back in certain areas. You’ll find what those things are. Find a mentor that’s been doing it a little bit longer, so that you can ask them what are the top things or whatever, or this is what’s going on. How did you handle this? Because there’s so many one offs, right?

Just do what you’re doing, and you’ll pull back a little bit eventually. Jayne is much further than I am in this whole deal. I’m not as far by any means as you are, Jayne. So, you’re a little bit further in your boundaries. I think I still might take a client even when I was on a vacation for them to start. I was actually going to be doing that tomorrow night. I’m going on a little camping weekend with my family, and I have somebody starting with me tomorrow night.

Jayne Havens: Maybe next year, you won’t do that.

Ciarra Morgan: Right. Maybe next year, I won’t. But really, I’m trying to pay for this school that I decided I wanted to build. So, I have my goals, and I got to get there. So, I took that client.

Jayne Havens: How do you think that boundary setting helps your clients be more successful? I’ve noticed that when I give a little bit of space, that actually positions my clients to thrive. Do you notice that? I would imagine you see that in your postpartum doula work, as well as your sleep consulting work. Do you want to speak to that a little bit?

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, I see it in all of those facets, I think. Here’s a specific thing. It’s so hard to be there for someone all day when you say you’re available from 9 AM to 8 PM or whatever, you, as an individual, say you’re available for. But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to be able to respond right away all of those times.

I used to think that that’s what I needed to do. Because I’m a hypnobirthing educator also. Well, I’m in class for two and a half hours. Some of that, I’m going to hypnosis with people so I can’t be replying to text messages. I was like, “Man, are they going to want to hire me if I say that on Tuesday nights, for two and a half hours, I’m unavailable?” So, I wasn’t really saying that. I just tried to make it work. I text them on a little break or whatever in class.

But then, I started getting a lot of text messages while I was driving. I was like, “Well, I can’t text them right now.” I’m in the car for 30 minutes. I have to get to my next appointment. I can’t stop and text them. So then, I reminded people. I started doing you have to boundary set with your clients from the jump, in that launch call, in that discovery call. I’ll be like, “I’m available during these hours. But of course, as a reminder, if I’m in the shower, or I’m driving, or I’m giving my kiddo a bath, I won’t be able to reply right away. But that’s okay. Because nothing’s the be all end all. If I can’t answer you right this second, we always have a chance on the next nap or whatever.”

I think that it is difficult to do that in the beginning. Again, you don’t know what you don’t know. So, I didn’t know I needed to set that boundary with people in the beginning. But I find that when they’re given a little bit of space, they start solving problems a little bit more on their own.

As an example, I tell people in our launch call, “For the first week, I’m just going to answer your questions. When you have a question, I’m going to answer it.” Then I send a text at the one-week mark. I’m like, “Hey, we’ve made it to a week. I’d love to check in from you. What do you think we have done really well? What goals have we already met? What do you want to see improve in the next week?”

Then I say, “Also, a reminder to reread your sleep plan.” Because it’s hard. After a week, sometimes we forget little details. You feel so rude as a sleep consultant. You’re like, “Well, here’s a screenshot of your sleep plan. I’m circling all that part.” But I’m not going to sit there and type it all out again. I already did that. So, I tell them, “Reread your sleep plan just for a refresher. As a reminder, for this next week, I will answer your questions. But if you ask me something, I’m first going to ask you, what do you think? Because my goal is, by the end of the two weeks, you don’t need me.”

I think they’re really surprised to hear that I don’t want them to need me. But that’s same in postpartum doula work. We try to work ourselves out of the job. Not all postpartum doulas do that. But actually, one of the most awesome people that I know in Austin is a doula trainer. She always says we’re the scaffolding. We are the scaffolding to help them get to their goals. Then we want to pull the scaffolding down and walk away, so that they’re good on their own.

That is how I feel with sleep consulting. That’s how I feel with postpartum doula work. That doesn’t really as much go into birth work, because I am with them, supporting them in the moment all the time during their labor. But I think that’s really important that we set them up for success afterward. They need space to do that.

Jayne Havens: I think that that’s spot on. I think it makes our clients better parents when we give them the space to try and navigate these sometimes tricky and stressful situations on their own, even if it’s just like a 20-minute window where you’re driving and you can’t help them. They figure it out, or they just survived the moment and they realized that they got through it, and that they were okay without you. I think that that’s really important.

My next thought, I was thinking about how setting these boundaries has helped us, as entrepreneurs, be more successful. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. But what immediately comes to mind for me is that when I do set my clients up for success — and I do ultimately remove that scaffolding, as you said — it really empowers parents to feel really proud of themselves, really great about the work that they’ve done, both with me and then on their own.

Then I think that’s where the referral comes from. Don’t you think the referral actually comes from them feeling successful, not like how much help we gave? It’s more about their transformation. When they have this huge, mind-blowing transformation to the way that they parent, the way that they operate, whatever it may be, that’s where the referral comes from. It’s not like, “Oh, Jayne’s so helpful. She’s so great.” It’s not that. It’s like, Jayne changed my life. I’m a better parent because I worked with Jayne.” Do you find that to be true?

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah. You know who I found that most to be true with, which is so funny, because we always say it’s really hard to work with people who are attachment parenting because they have these views in sleep consulting? I recently worked with a family who does attachment parenting. They were very serious about, “It’s okay for my baby to cry, but they’re not going to cry alone.” That was their big thing. They’re like, “I’ll be in there while he’s crying. That’s fine.”

At the end of it, though, the mom was like, “I’m going to get kicked out of my attachment parenting group because they keep wanting to tell people you don’t have to be struggling and suffering. You can do this while attachment parenting. She goes, “You helped us do that. Thank you so much for being willing.” The dad was really big on this, too. He’s like, “Thank you so much for being willing to meet us where we are, and not put your own goals on our kiddo, but to help us meet our goals for our kiddo,” and answer their question.

Sometimes it’s just telling them they’re already doing it right. Sometimes it’s the smallest tweaks. But they needed somebody else to tell them they were doing it right, to know, “yeah, I’m on the right track,” and to have the confidence to continue on that track.

She goes, “I’m just going to start DMing people.” When I see them with these attachment parenting group complaining about they don’t want their kid in their bed or whatever, everyone else is like, “You have to have your kid in your bed. That’s the best thing for them.” Then she goes, “I’m just going to send them DMs and send them your information.”

Jayne Havens: She was really empowered.

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, it felt so good for her.

Jayne Havens: You met her where she was. You operated within her boundaries. If we’re going to continue with the theme of boundaries, that was her firm boundary. The reason for why you were successful with her is because you didn’t go outside of the parameters of her comfort zone, which I think is awesome.

Because we can all make changes, regardless of how we choose to parent. Just because we have firm beliefs on how we parent, that doesn’t mean that we can’t make changes for the better when we’re struggling.

Ciarra Morgan: I went into that one thinking, I don’t know how much progress we’re going to make. Because they want to be in there the whole time. It brings me back to thinking about one of the posts that you made recently about somebody who was just in there the whole time. Their baby was crying more than they would have if they would have just left.

This baby actually did really well with his parents being in there. Afterwards, she even said, “I know we didn’t get as far as we would have if we use other methods. But that’s okay with us. We are okay with it taking longer.”

I think reasonable expectations are important. Because I knew she had reasonable expectations, I felt comfortable supporting them. If they had been like, “I want you to work all your magic, but do it my way,” I can’t necessarily do that because all of the methods are going to work at a different pace. All babies are going to work at a different pace. So, they felt really, really great about it at the end. I did, too.

Jayne Havens: I think it all goes back to the fact that when you really are operating, I guess it’s both within your own parameters for business and things that you’re passionate about, and you’re operating within your own bumpers or boundaries, and then you’re also supporting parents within their boundaries, that’s when you’re really, I think, positioned to be successful all around. It positions us to grow as entrepreneurs. It positions our clients to have success. Then you get the referrals, and then you grow.

Ciarra Morgan: What a great thing to have boundaries with our clients and show them that we’re having our boundaries. That’s such an example of, they’re allowed to have boundaries with their children as well. If you’re going to the bathroom or you’re taking a shower and your baby is crying, they are choosing to cry right now. But you still have to do what you are going to do.

Just like if you were driving in the car, you can’t just pull over every time they cry and soothe them. When you put them back in their car seat, they’re going to cry again. So, I feel like we’re just giving an example of what we’re asking them to do, which is it’s okay to be an autonomous person and be by yourself for a little minute. If your kiddo is not happy with it, they’re choosing not to be.

Jayne Havens: I love that analogy. Before we wrap up, I’d love to ask you if you have — I always like to talk about goals on this podcast, because it’s all about the business side of what we do. I’m curious if you have goals for future boundaries that you’d like to set for yourself. Then if you have any just goals for your business in the next few years, where do you want to be? What do you want to be doing?

Ciarra Morgan: Future boundaries, I could still be better at not just replying all the time very quickly. I do need to give myself a little bit more strict protocol on that, I think. I do things very late at night sometimes. But again, sometimes that feeds me. Sometimes I need that. That’s actually a decompress for me. So, I just need to find where that line is sometimes.

For my business, that one is really hard for me. Because ultimately, I would love to just be able to work virtually. I think that that would be really great. I would love to be able to have enough sleep clients, where I just don’t have to do anything outside of the house really. I can be making dinner and replying to text messages.

But then, my passion is birth. I really, really love birth. So, even if I had 1000 sleep clients a month, I still wouldn’t be able to say no to birth. So, I’m working on that. I have a really hard time setting that goal, because I don’t ever want to be out of the birth room.

Jayne Havens: Okay. Love that. Where can everybody find you? Share your website, social media, whatever you want to share.

Ciarra Morgan: Sure. My website is www.empoweredbeginningsatx.com. My Facebook is Empowered Beginnings ATX and my Instagram is empoweredbeginningsatx_doula.

Jayne Havens: We didn’t even talk about boundaries with regard to social media today. That is going to have to be a whole another conversation for us to discuss. Right?

Ciarra Morgan: Oh, man. Yes.

Jayne Havens: We’ll save that. But thank you for being on the show. It’s always a pleasure chatting with you. I can’t wait to talk to you again soon.

Ciarra Morgan: Yeah, thanks so much, Jayne.

Outro: Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Becoming a Sleep Consultant Podcast. If you enjoyed today’s episode, it would mean so much to me if you would rate, review, and subscribe. When you rate, review, and subscribe, this helps the podcast reach a greater audience. I am so grateful for your support.

If you would like to learn more about how you can become a certified sleep consultant, head over to my Facebook Group, Becoming a Sleep Consultant or to my website thecpsm.com. Thanks so much, and I hope you will tune in for the next episode.

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