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Jayne Havens is a certified sleep consultant and the founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. As a leader in the industry, Jayne advocates for healthy sleep hygiene for children of all ages. Jayne launched her comprehensive sleep consultant certification course so she could train and mentor others to work in this emerging industry.

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Best Remote Jobs for Moms

Best Remote Jobs for Moms


Looking for a way to fit work into your busy mom life? You’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll cover some great job options that work around your family schedule. Let’s explore how you can achieve a fulfilling career right from your home!

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Best Remote Jobs for Moms from Home

If you’re a mom like me, you understand the daily juggle: early mornings, school runs, and a never-ending schedule of appointments and activities. And if you’ve felt the daily commute pulling you away from precious moments or piling on extra stress, I’m with you. That’s why discovering remote jobs for stay-at-home moms isn’t just a relief—it’s a complete game changer. Today, I’m excited to share some of the top remote jobs I’ve found that are smart choices for moms!

Remote Job Examples

Let’s start first with a Virtual Assistant. Imagine managing schedules, emails, and even social media—all while you’re in your comfy clothes and just a shout away from your kids. Being a virtual assistant allows you to juggle work and home life seamlessly. It’s perfect for moms who are organizers at heart and love keeping things running smoothly. You’ll need good communication skills and a knack for staying organized.

Freelance Writer: This is is for those who love crafting stories or sharing ideas. Freelance writing can fit into your life like that perfect pair of stretchy jeans. Write during nap times, after bedtime, or whenever inspiration strikes. It’s all about setting your own pace and choosing projects that ignite your passion. Plus, every article or blog post is a chance to learn something new, keeping your mind sharp and your skills fresh.

Now, let’s move onto Customer Service Representative. Many companies offer remote customer service roles, and guess what? You can often set your hours to match your family’s schedule. It’s all about helping people solve problems. You can do this from your home office, even with a few toy cars or dolls at your feet. Patience and good communication are key, and there’s satisfaction in solving issues and making someone’s day a little better.

Finding These Jobs:

Check out job boards like FlexJobs or Indeed, and don’t forget the power of networking. A quick post on your social media might just open doors. Sometimes, it’s your circle that knows just the right fit for your skills.

Developing the Right Skills:

Online platforms like Coursera or LinkedIn Learning offer a treasure trove of courses to boost your skills. Learn to manage online customer service tools, where there’s always something new to learn to keep you ahead.

Working from home is more than just a job—it’s a lifestyle! If you’re thinking about a deeper dive into a career like sleep consulting, where you can truly make a difference in the lives of families, check out our homepage at Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. This is where we certify people who want this lifestyle freedom to become pediatric sleep consultants. 

Work from Home Jobs for Moms with No Experience

Jumping back into the workforce or starting fresh doesn’t mean you need a hefty resume. Plenty of remote jobs are perfectly suited for moms with little to no professional experience. These roles not only offer flexibility but also serve as stepping stones to greater opportunities. Next, let’s explore some entry-level jobs that are just right for getting your feet wet in the work-from-home world.

Examples with No Experience:

Have you every thought about Data Entry? If you’re looking for straightforward work that lets you manage your own time, data entry could be your starting point. Companies often need help transferring paper information into computer systems. Likewise, there is a lot of demand for updating databases. These tasks can usually be done anytime that fits your schedule. All you need is a computer and basic typing skills, and you’re set to start.

Online Survey Taker: Believe it or not, your opinions are valuable, and many companies will pay for them! Taking online surveys can be an easy way to earn a bit of extra cash while the kids are playing or watching a movie. It’s as simple as signing up on survey platforms and answering questions about various topics.

Many companies are searching for people to help with Content Moderation. With the digital world growing every day, companies need help ensuring their platforms stay clean and user-friendly. Content moderators review posts, comments, and videos to make sure they meet community guidelines. In addition, this role requires a keen eye and the ability to work independently, but it’s a great way to make an impact while maintaining flexibility.

Finding These Opportunities: Start with job boards like Upwork, Freelancer, or even specific forums for remote work. These platforms are often entry points for those new to the workforce and provide plenty of options for those just starting out.

9-3 Jobs for Moms

Ever feel like you’re running a marathon with school runs, snack time, and homework? Imagine slotting work neatly between drop-off and pick-up times—that’s the magic of 9-3 jobs. These positions are a perfect match for the rhythm of school life, letting you blend work with mom duties without missing a beat.

First, Bookkeeping: If you have a knack for numbers and organization, remote bookkeeping could be a great fit. Many small businesses require assistance with their finances but don’t need a full-time on-site bookkeeper. This role allows you to manage accounts, process payments, and oversee budgets during hours that match your child’s school schedule.

Second, Educational Consultancy: Have a background in education? You can offer consultancy services from home, working with educational institutions or families to enhance learning outcomes. Moreover, this job taps into your teaching skills and is extremely flexible, allowing you to schedule calls and consultations during school hours.

Third, Online Tutoring: Share your knowledge and expertise in a specific subject by tutoring students online. Whether it’s helping with homework, preparing for tests, or guiding through difficult topics, online tutoring is in high demand. Tutoring platforms help connect you with students globally, and you can set sessions during times that suit your lifestyle.

Working during school hours is an incredible way to maintain career continuity while being there for your kids. These jobs offer the peace of mind that you’re only a school run away from switching between professional and parent roles seamlessly. 

Online Jobs for Stay at Home Moms with No Degree

No degree? No problem! The internet brings opportunities for moms who are eager to work from home, even without formal educational credentials. Here are some fantastic job options that let you work comfortably from your own space while promising good earning potential.

Blogging: Turn your passions into profit by starting a blog. Whether you’re into cooking, crafts, parenting tips, or fitness, there’s an audience for nearly every interest. Furthermore, monetize your blog through advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate links. Start by choosing a niche, setting up a website, and creating content that draws readers in.

Affiliate Marketing: If you’ve got a knack for marketing and a good online presence, affiliate marketing might be up your alley. Promote products or services from different brands and earn a commission for every sale made through your referral links. It’s all about choosing the right products for your audience and mastering the art of persuasive content.

Selling on E-commerce Platforms: Platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon provide a great way to sell products online. Whether you’re crafty, have a collection of vintage goods, or have new product ideas, these platforms can help you reach millions of customers worldwide. Start by researching what products are in demand, understanding the platform’s rules, and setting up your online store.

How to Succeed in These Roles:

  • Educate Yourself: Take advantage of free online tutorials and courses to learn the basics of blogging, affiliate marketing, or e-commerce.
  • Network: Connect with other professionals in your field via social media or specialized forums. Networking can provide valuable insights and opportunities.
  • Stay Persistent: Success won’t happen overnight. Consistency and perseverance are key to building a successful home-based business.

These online job options offer flexibility and independence, perfect for moms juggling the demands of home life. These days, you can create a sustainable income without ever stepping foot in an office!


Remote work gives us moms the flexibility to manage both our careers and family lives seamlessly. By constantly enhancing our skills and learning new ones, we can keep growing professionally. Don’t forget to tap into your networks and online communities for support and job opportunities. Finding the right job takes time. However, there’s definitely a perfect fit that allows you to thrive in both your personal and professional life.

Learn about Becoming a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant:


People Also Ask

What is the best job for a stay-at-home mom?

The best job for a stay-at-home mom offers flexibility and can be tailored to individual skills and interests. Popular options include freelance writing, virtual assisting, and online tutoring.

What remote job is highest in demand?

Currently, remote jobs in tech such as software development, digital marketing, and data analysis are the highest in demand.

How can a stay-at-home mom make $2000 a month?

A stay-at-home mom can make $2000 a month by engaging in freelance work. They can also run an online store, or provide virtual services like tutoring or bookkeeping.

How can I make $100,000 a year working from home?

Making $100,000 a year working from home is absolutely achievable! Select high-skilled jobs like software engineering, senior graphic design, or strategic consulting, often requiring specialized knowledge and experience.

What is the highest-paying remote job with no experience?

Remote sales positions or customer support roles often offer high pay with no experience necessary, providing training on the job.

What is the highest-paying remote skill?

Software development, particularly in languages like Python and JavaScript, is currently one of the highest-paying remote skills.

What is the highest paying stay-at-home job?

High-paying stay-at-home jobs include freelance software development, remote project management, and advanced graphic design. These can all offer substantial salaries depending on experience and expertise.

What is a good income for a stay at home mom?

A good income for a stay-at-home mom will vary. Furthermore, earning between $1,000 to $3,000 a month can significantly help cover expenses and maintain a comfortable lifestyle!

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