
Interested in becoming a sleep consultant? 

Jayne Havens is a certified sleep consultant and the founder of Snooze Fest by Jayne Havens and Center for Pediatric Sleep Management. As a leader in the industry, Jayne advocates for healthy sleep hygiene for children of all ages. Jayne launched her comprehensive sleep consultant certification course so she could train and mentor others to work in this emerging industry.

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4 Reasons Why A Doula Should Be Certified Sleep Consultant


As a doula, especially one that supports families postpartum, you might have a long list of services. A postpartum doula’s job is to “mother the mother” and support families as they move through this new transition period.  Sleep consulting is a perfect compliment to the work of a postpartum doula for many reasons, one being it is a sought after skill that can be immensely helpful to new parents and families. 

Most doulas have a wide range of tasks. Becoming a Certified Sleep Consultant will add a skill to your resume that other Doulas might not have. This will give you the edge when families are looking for support from a postpartum Doula. Here are four more reasons you should become a certified sleep consultant. 

1. Sleep Consulting is the Perfect Add-On For A Doula

When you, as a doula, become a Certified Sleep Consultant, you will be able to add it to your list of services and earn more income. The postpatrum period is already hard as it is, and baby sleep can be both intimidating and trying for a lot of new parents. A postpartum doula with training in infant sleep is the perfect person to support a family with a brand new baby through those early months.

Once you are certified you can offer sleep consulting as an add on service to your clients. Offering sleep consulting in your packages will ensure that you maintain that client and the extra income. This will benefit you and your clients because you won’t have to search for sleep consulting clients and your clients won’t have to research Certified Sleep Consultants. 

2. You’ve already mastered part of the job

Part of what makes a great Certified Sleep Consultant is getting to know the families that they support. As a doula, you are an expert at understanding and supporting each family that you support. Plus, when you offer sleep consulting as an add-on, you won’t have to worry about this step. You will already know the ins and outs of each family and your clients already trust you. The difference is that now your care will continue beyond the immediate postpartum period. 

3. Become the Go-To Expert

Another fantastic reason to become a Certified Sleep Consultant is to become a local expert. There are many services that you can add to your packages, but not a lot of Doulas offer sleep consulting. Offering a service that is hard to come by with other doulas will make you a top competitor with prospective clients. 

Sleep consulting is a service that a lot of families don’t even realize is an option until they’re already desperately searching for help. As a doula, you can start that conversation with new parents before they even realize they will need help. These new skills will likely lead to more referrals and more income.

4. You Have Already Acquired Potential Clients

Aside from offering sleep consulting to new clients, you can also reach out to past clients who may be dealing with sleep troubles. Parents are much more likely to work with somebody that they already know and trust rather than going through an introductory process with somebody new. They’re already sleep deprived, the last thing they need to worry about is researching and stressing about finding the perfect person to help. 

From the business perspective, the less time you have to spend marketing yourself, the better. It is always a good idea to reach out to existing and past clients to see if they would like to utilize your services. It is much easier to work with clients that you are already familiar with than to find new clients and start new every time. Plus, offering extra services will make it even easier to draw people in and close those new clients. 

If you would like to learn about becoming a certified sleep consultant, join our Facebook group and visit our blog.

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